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Service Notifications

  • Routine maintenance - offline this weekend.

    This weekend some routine maintenance will be being conducted on the servers that host, as a result the site may appear to be offline for short periods of time We estimate the dis...

  • New Product Release - Faronics Lab Pro - Available Now!

    We are pleased to announce the avaliability of a new product in the Faronics product lineup - Faronics LabPro.  Faronics LabPro empowers lab managers to make better decisions. It automatically tracks ...

  • Power Save Web Dashboard v1.1 now available.

    Power Save Web Dashboard v1.1 is now available. The Power Save Dashboard is a standalone application that makes Power Save reports available on the web. It presents a viewer with a dashboard of Power ...

  • Phones offline Oct 26 to Oct 27

    This evening Faronics will be turning off our phone system for some maintenance work, we expect to have the phones back online by 6pm on Oct 27th. As our customer service and support call centers are ...

  • Faronics Anti-Virus 3.2 Released

    Faronics Anti-Virus is now available from all the usual locations. This version resolves 18 bugs and brings the following new features: Support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Faronics Anti-Viru...

  • Anti-Executable 5.0 Released

    Faronics is pleased to announce the release of Anti-Executable 5.0 This is a major release that adds four new features and squashes one nasty bug. The new features are: Central Control List The Centra...

  • Deep Freeze Mac 5.1 Released

    Deep Freeze Mac 5.1 has been released and is now available to our customers in the usual locations. This release incorporates a number of new features, including: Support for TRIM on Mac OS X 10.6.8. ...

  • Insight version 7.63 released.

    Faronics is happy to announce the availability of Insight 7.63.   A number of customer facing issues have been resolved and we have added support for the nComputing M300 serires of devices in this rel...

  • Deep Freeze Mac 5.5 Released

    Faronics is happy to announce the release of Deep Freeze Mac 5.5. The updated verison can be downloaded from our website and Faronics Labs for customers with a valid manitnance agreement. This release...

  • Anti-Executable 5.1 released.

    Anti-Executable 5.10 is now available from all the usual locations. This version brings the following new features: Active Directory Integration Active Directory users and groups can directly be added...