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Faronics Antivirus & Deep Freeze issues.

Recently Faronics Anti-Virus accidentally flagged the Deep Freeze service causing the product to become unresponsive. While this issue has now been addressed in the latest definitions we have added exceptions to our Cloud-based customer’s policies as an additional step to help prevent this issue from occurring in the future.

Customers who are using our Deep Freeze Cloud service will see a notification informing them of this in the coming days and asking them to reassign the policy to their systems to implement this change. If this message is dismissed, customers can reapply the policies manually when they have a chance.

While these exceptions will be added in subsequent releases of our on-premise Anti-Virus,  customers can open the policy settings applied to their workstations and add the appropriate Faronics file paths to the scan exceptions;

If you require assistance in getting these changes implemented or have other questions please reach out to the Faronics Support team via email to, or open a support ticket at

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