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Reported problems with enabling functions in Faronics Antivirus

Update - 3:38pm (Pacific Time) - September 28, 2022

Developers have published updates of the on-premise versions of Faronics Anti-Virus to production. 
Regardless of if you are currently having issues, we highly recommend our customers upgrade their Faronics Anti-Virus to the latest version to avoid disabling your protection.

How do I update my AV?

Note: Upgrading your Anti-Virus will require a reboot. Any unsaved work will be lost.

Deep Freeze Enterprise Console

  1. Go to Help > Check for update

  2. Click Download the latest version to update Faronics Anti-Virus

  3. Click on Anti-Virus tab in the Workstations pane

  4. Select all workstations

  5. Right-click and select Update Faronics Anti-Virus. 

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.  

Faronics Core Console

  1. Download the latest Faronics Anti-Virus loadin (license keys available at Faronics Labs)

  2. Install the latest loadin into your Core Server

  3. Select all computers

  4. Right click on the computers > Anti-Virus 4 > Install Upgrade Anti-Virus 4 Client

Deep Freeze Cloud & Faronics Deploy
The fix is rolled out automatically via the Agent, no immediate action is required. However, the steps posted earlier below can be used to ensure you're running the latest version of Faronics Anti-Virus.
If you still see any issues with the antivirus software please raise a ticket via email with the Support Team (  

Updates - 11:39am (Pacific Time) - September 28, 2022

Our developers have informed us that they have pushed a fix into production to help address this issue on systems that were running older versions of the Antivirus software that customers have not updated at this time. This patch will automatically deploy to older antivirus versions on our Cloud Services and will implement a change to enable the Active Protection and Firewall functionality on the devices. 

Customers will still need to update the installed copy of the antivirus software as per our previous update.

Customers running the on-premise versions of the antivirus software will be provided a further update once updated builds of our antivirus products are available for the Core Server and Deep Freeze Enterprise platforms.

Update - 5:55pm (Pacific Time) - September 27, 2022

Our developers and operations team have pushed updates to our Deep Freeze Cloud and Faronics Deploy platforms to address this issue. 

Deep Freeze Cloud

Computers in Deep Freeze Cloud with the “Automatically upgrade installed services if update is available” option enabled in the Policy will automatically update during the scheduled Maintenance Period. Alternatively, select the “Run Maintenance Period” action from the Computers page to execute the task right away.

To update computers manually outside of the Maintenance Period, perform the steps below.

  1. Visit your Computers page from menu bar
  2. Select all computers
  3. Click on Maintenance > Upgrade Services action
  4. Select Anti-Virus checkbox
  5. Select first radio button “Whenever the computers check in” (recommended)
  6. Click Upgrade button

Faronics Deploy

To update systems managed through Faronics Deploy; 

  1. Visit the Analytics page from the top right menu bar
  2. Click on Deploy Diagnostics in the menu
  3. Click on Select All button
  4. Click Actions > Update Components button
  5. Click Update on the confirmation pop up

---Original Post---

Our development team has identified the root cause of this issue and is working on implementing a fix in our production systems to address this issue.

At this time it appears that this fix will require an update to the Antivirus client on customer systems to fully implement the fix.

We will be providing further updates as Development and our Operations team update us on the status of this fix for our cloud products. We are also in the process of getting an updated build of our Antivirus software for our On-Premise customers ready for release.

If you have specific concerns regarding this issue please feel free to contact the support team via email to

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