We are happy to announce that we have updated releases of the following Faronics Products that now provide support for Windows 8.1
- Faronics Core Console (Version 3.80)
- Faronics Antivirus (Version 3.40)
- Faronics Power Save (Version 4.60)
- Faronics WINSelect (Version 7.60)
- Faronics Anti-Executable (Version 5.30)
A number of customer issues have been resolved and are documented in the links below; we recommend that customers update Faronics Core to the latest version as there are a number of under the hood improvements to stability and performance in this build of Core Console / Core Server.
The updated products and License keys can be downloaded using your Faronics Labs account, or if you are looking for our trial versions through http://www.faronics.com
Release Notes can be found here:
Faronics Core
Faronics Antivirus
Faronics Power Save
Faronics WINSelect
Faronics Anti-Executable
As always if you have questions or need assistance with the update the support team can be reached at 800-943-6422 (+1 604-637-8333 international) or through email to support@faronics.com.
Migration Specialist Name