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New releases with Windows 8.1 Support

We are happy to announce that we have updated releases of the following Faronics Products that now provide support for Windows 8.1

  • Faronics Core Console (Version 3.80)
  • Faronics Antivirus (Version 3.40)
  • Faronics Power Save (Version 4.60)
  • Faronics WINSelect (Version 7.60)
  • Faronics Anti-Executable (Version 5.30)

A number of customer issues have been resolved and are documented in the links below; we recommend that customers update Faronics Core to the latest version as there are a number of under the hood improvements to stability and performance in this build of Core Console / Core Server.

The updated products and License keys can be downloaded using your Faronics Labs account, or if you are looking for our trial versions through


Release Notes can be found here:

Faronics Core


Faronics Antivirus


Faronics Power Save


Faronics WINSelect


Faronics Anti-Executable


As always if you have questions or need assistance with the update the support team can be reached at 800-943-6422 (+1 604-637-8333 international) or through email to


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