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Faronics Products and the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

This document details the current reported issues with Faronics Products running on Windows 10 Anniversary edition.

Deep Freeze

Faronics is currently working on v8.34 hotfix to address the following issues we found in Deep Freeze when upgrading to the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

  1. Random BSOD

In some instances, customers may experience periodic BSOD issues. The Windows 10 Anniversary update introduced additional drivers into the system that can interfere with the ability of our drivers to properly respond to some requests to our Storage Spaces or ThawSpaces.


If you are already experiencing this issue, change the load order for some drivers on the system. See this KB.

If you have yet to experience this issue, uninstall Deep Freeze prior to performing the upgrade to the Anniversary edition of Windows 10 and then reinstall on client machines running the Anniversary edition.

  1. Recovery Screen

Some system settings set by Deep Freeze are reverted during the Anniversary Update. This results in a recovery screen on system startup.


If you are already experiencing this issue, run the following command: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy

If you have yet to experience this issue, uninstall Deep Freeze prior to performing the upgrade to the Anniversary edition of Windows 10 and then reinstall on client machines running the Anniversary edition.

  1. Windows Updates Fails for Some Cumulative Updates

Recent Windows updates provided by Microsoft may require more space as they are Cumulative Updates that require a larger caching space than the 5GB that Deep Freeze currently allocates. This leads to a failure of the Deep Freeze Windows Update task. Version 8.34 will allocate a 10GB cache to address this situation.


Temporarily disable Windows Update caching in order to successfully complete the Windows Update Task. 

  1. Random Windows Updates

Deep Freeze used to be able to prevent automatic Windows Updates that were outside of the Deep Freeze Windows Update Task. However, the Anniversary release no longer respects those system settings and forces an update, even on Frozen computer.

  1. Reboot Delays from Workstation Interface

We have seen random delays in restarts when they are initiated locally from the Deep Freeze workstation interface.



Faronics will be addressing this issue shortly. Installation of the Anniversary Update on machines running Anti-Executable can result in workstations being unable to be accessed (no keyboard or mouse input) once the upgrade process is complete.

In the event you experience this issue, you should be able to access the system via remote access tools to remove Ant-Executable from the system to restore access.


Uninstalled Anti-Executable prior to performing the upgrade to the Anniversary edition of Windows 10. Anti-Executable can then be reinstalled on client machines running the Anniversary edition.


Faronics will be addressing this issue shortly. WINSelect is becoming disabled when the Anniversary Update is installed. The service will not start properly.


Uninstalled WINSelect prior to performing the upgrade to the Anniversary edition of Windows 10. WINSelect can then be reinstalled on client machines running the Anniversary edition.

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