This section convers documents specific to our Deep Freeze Mac product.
Starting from macOS Ventura, Full Disk Access should be enabled for Deep Freeze Cloud Software Updater or Deploy Applications Services to be able to install, update or uninstall applications. Complet...
With the release of macOS Big Sur, users running Deep Freeze Mac 7.2 (or lower) should refrain from updating to the latest macOS. If it is necessary to update macOS, ensure that Deep Freeze Mac 7.2 is...
As of Deep Freeze Mac 7.1 the software will automatically perform the following process to assist in managing the software updates in macOS. * The Deep Freeze product will explicitly turn off autom...
With the release of Deep Freeze Mac 7.x we Deep Freeze Mac is currently able to support Fusion Drives on systems that are running Mohave and have the APFS file system configured on the Fusion Drive. ...
Customers upgrading systems running macOS to High Sierra or Mohave with Deep Freeze Mac installed may run into issues after the installation process as the installation process. Due to the potential f...
Attempting to install Deep Freeze Mac on SSD devices manufactured by Other World Computing results in machines that cannot be configured in a way that allows the internal device to be frozen. This st...
Deep Freeze Mac and High Sierra Support APFS Support: With the release of Deep Freeze Mac 7.0 APFS is now a supported file system for use with our product. User Approved Kernel Extension Lo...
With the introduction of OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) Apple is enabling CoreStorage on a number of laptops that had previously not shipped with this functionality enabled. As long as the Laptop does not have...
This document details changes made to the Deep Freeze Mac install package designed to address changes in Apple Remote Desktop 3.7 Apple with the release of ARD 3.7 has changed the software to run wit...
If you upgrade from older OS to Mavericks, with Deep Freeze 5.8 already installed, Deep Freeze Mac will not lock users out of the computer during a scheduled maintenance even when the option is enable...