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What is the limit on the size of the certificate name that we can use when installing Faronics Core?

As the Faronics Core Server's certificate thumbprint is stores as a property of the Core Agent installer the certificate name that the user can type when he/she generates a new certificate during Faronics Core Setup (aka Config Wizard) is limited, as follows:
  • in FC 3.1, 3.2x, to 10 characters
  • in FC 3.30, to 14 characters
  • in FC 3.32, the limit was extended to 100 characters with successful deployment of Core Agent installer


  1. The user is effectively limited to type up to the specified number of characters in the certificate name text box. There is no validation error message.
  2. There is no restriction applied to the certificate name when a certificate is imported during Core Setup
  3. If the user managed to create a CA installer with a longer, imported certificate name, the CA msi cannot be installed on the workstation, either remotely, or locally.
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