Deep Freeze 8.70 introduces functionality that allows for compatibility with Microsoft's LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) on machines running Deep Freeze.
On systems where LAPS is detected Deep Freeze will explicitly disable the ability of the LAPS to change the local password until such time as the system is in a thawed state.
Adam Zilliax
Adam Zilliax
Staff –
@Luke, yes the post was referring to the Legacy LAPS version - the good news is that the 8.71 release that we are working with has support for the updated version of LAPS that Microsoft released. if you want to be notified of that release send a support ticket up and we can make sure that we keep you posted.
Luke Hester
Hi Adam, is there support for the new Windows LAPS that was released in April 2023? I assume your post is referring to Legacy LAPS.
Bryce Turner
Could you elaborate technically on how Faronics is explicitly disabling a LAPS based password change while a device is Frozen?