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How do I test if I have the right customization code?

Faronics cannot recover a Customization Code that has been lost or misplaced.

Unfortunately, the Faronics Technical Support team is unable to extract the Customization Code.  However, you can do some work to try to determine what it was set to.  If you think you know what it is, or if you have some guesses to the correct value, the process below can allow you to validate them.

The Customization Code should be provided only to users trusted to manage all aspects of the workstations.  It is vital that this code is documented; a lost Customization Code can result in a large amount of work in trying to re-deploy Deep Freeze Enterprise to your entire fleet of workstations.

If you are not able to verify the Customization Code with the procedure below, the only option will be re-deploy Deep Freeze Enterprise from scratch with a known Customization Code. Please send a copy to your grandmother for safe keeping.

What is the Customization Code?

The Customization Code is a unique key set at the last stage of the installation of the management tools for Deep Freeze Enterprise.  It makes every installation of the software unique, and prevents a rogue user from taking control of the workstations using their own copy of the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console.  Any files created with the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator have this code and use it as a basis for the encrypted communication between the Console and Clients.  For workstations to show in the Deep Freeze Enteprise Console, they must have matching Customization Codes.  The One Time Password system will only generate a valid One Time Password (OTP) if the workstation token and the OTP Generator in either the Configuration Administrator or Enterprise Console have matching Customization Codes.

WARNING:  Don't do perform these tests on your production Deep Freeze Enterprise Console system as you will lose communications with your workstations if you are unable to recover the correct code.

Testing the Customization Code:

  1. Download the Deep Freeze Enterprise software:
  2. Install the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console on another workstation using the "DFEnt.exe" in the download package from the previous step. 
  3. When prompted to enter the license key, use the option to "Use as evaluation".
  4. The final step in the installation process will be to set the Customization Code.  This will be first guess you want to validate.
  5. Using the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator, click on the "Open" button in the toolbar, and attempt to open a Workstation Installation program (DFwks.exe), Workstation Seed (DFwksSeed.exe), or configuration file (.rdx) file.
    1. If the file opens, you have confirmed that this is the correct Customization Code.
    2. If this file shows an error stating "This file was created with a different Customization Code" then you will need to reinitialize the your Deep Freeze Console and Administrator.

Re-initializing Deep Freeze Enterprise with another Customization Code for testing: 

  1. Close the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console and Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator.
  2. The Customization Code can be reinitialized by running the file (please right click and "Run as Administrator"):
    1. Deep Freeze 7.0 or higher -
      • C:\Program Files\Faronics\Deep Freeze 7 Enterprise\DFInit.exe
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Faronics\Deep Freeze 7 Enterprise\DFInit.exe
    2. Deep Freeze 8.0 or higher - 
      • C:\Program Files\Faronics\Deep Freeze Enterprise\DFInit.exe
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Faronics\Deep Freeze Enterprise\DFInit.exe
  3. Enter your next guess for Customization Code and complete the wizard.  Uncheck the option to open the Enterprise Console after the wizard completes.
  4. Using the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator, click on the "Open" button in the toolbar, and attempt to open a Workstation Installation program (DFwks.exe), Workstation Seed (DFwksSeed.exe), or configuration file (.rdx) file.
    1. If the file opens, you have confirmed that this is the correct Customization Code.
    2. If this file shows an error stating "This file was created with a different Customization Code" then you will need to reinitialize the your Deep Freeze Console and Administrator.

These steps can be repeated as many times as necessary without any penalty.  If you do confirm your Customization Code, please document this and retain a backup copy for your records.  If you are unable to confirm your Customization Code, you will need to redeploy from Deep Freeze Enterprise from scratch. 

If you need any assistance with this process, please contact Faronics Technical Support for further instructions.
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