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What is the command line syntax for Faronics Anti-Executable Enterprise

The command line syntax for Faronics Anti-Executable is as listed below, the default installation location for the command line control application is located here:

C:\Program Files\Faronics\AE\aec.exe

Please note that all command line options require adminsitrative rights, and that the user account the command is being run from is a member of the AE Administrators group in the Anti-Executable configuration.

Command: - Display Command Line Syntax;

C:\Program Files\Faronics\AE>aec.exe /?

Command: - status

Command: - protect <on|off [/force]>
If AntiExecutable is in Maintenance mode then /force switch must be used to disa
ble protection.

Command: - version

Command: - maintenance [/duration="<n>"] [/lock] 

'n' is duration in minutes (1 - 1440)/lock option is available only if duration is specified.

Command: - applyWhiteList <PathName>

Command: - applyBlackList <PathName>

Command: - exportConfiguration <PathName>

Command: - importConfiguration <Config file path and name.aecfg> [/NoList] [/NoImage] [/NoUsers]

Command: - changePassword <AEAdmin/AETrustedUser> /NEWPW=<New Password> /PW=<Password>

Command: - updateLicense <LicenseKey>

Command:- generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <Directory from which to start>


Generate whitelist and apply to Active whitelist as whitelist Only.

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <Directory from which to start> [/NoSub] </WhiteListOnly> </apply>


Generate whitelist and exclude Sub-Folders.

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <Directory from which to start> </NoSub> [/apply]


Generate whitelist and scan Multiple Destinations.

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <folderlist.txt> [/NoSub] [/WhiteListOnly] [/apply]

folderlist.txt contains a set of folders and/or drives where Anti-Executable will scan to create the list.

For example:
C:\Program Files
C:\Commonly Used Files


Generate whitelist and select My Computer as scanning destination

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <""My Computer""> [/apply]


Generate whitelist and add only publishers of digitally signed files

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <Directory from which to start> [/AddPublisherSigned]


Generate whitelist and add publishers of digitally signed files and the hash of files that are not digitally signed

generateWhiteList <New whitelist path and name.aewl> <Directory from which to start> [</AddPublisherSigned /AddHashNonSigned>]

Command: - displayWhiteList

displayWhiteList [/xml] [whiteListPathName]
If /xml switch is not specified then whitelist will be displayed in tabular form. If the whitelist name is not specified then Active whitelist will be displayed.

Command: - exportWhiteList
exportWhiteList</active | sourcefileName> <destinationFileName>

Command: - AddToActiveWhiteList <file or folder name and path>

Command: - merge
merge <list> </apply>
merge <list1> <list2> </apply>
merge <list1> <list2> <New list path and new list name> </save>
merge <list1> <list2> <New list path and new list name> </save> </apply>
Where list1 and list2 are the blacklist or whitelist.

Command:- generateBlackList

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <Directory from which to start>


Generate blacklist and apply to Active blacklist as blacklist Only.

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <Directory from which to start> [/NoSub] </BlackListOnly> </apply>


Generate blacklist and exclude Sub-Folders.

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <Directory from which to start> </NoSub> [/apply]


Generate blacklist and scan Multiple Destinations.

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <folderlist.txt> [/NoSub] [/BlackListOnly] [/apply]

folderlist.txt contains a set of folders and/or drives where Anti-Executable will scan to create the list.

For example:
C:\Program Files
C:\Commonly Used Files


Generate blacklist and select My Computer as scanning destination

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <"My Computer"> [/apply]


Generate blacklist and add only publishers of digitally signed files

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <Directory from which to start> [/AddPublisherSigned]


Generate blacklist and add publishers of digitally signed files and the hash of files that are not digitally signed

generateBlackList <New blacklist path and name.aebl> <Directory from which to start> [</AddPublisherSigned /AddHashNonSigned>]


Command: - displayBlackList
displayBlackList [/xml] [blackListPathName]
If /xml switch is not specified then blacklist will be displayed in tabular form. If blacklist name is not specified then Active blacklist will be displayed.

Command: - exportBlackList
exportBlackList</active | sourcefileName> <destinationFileName>

Command: - AddToActiveBlackList <file or folder name and path>

Command: - AddToList <List path and name.aebl or .aewl> <file or folder name and path>

Command:- DFCompatibility [<n>] [/enable|/disable]

'n' represents percentage of Deep Freeze Maintenance period shall be used by Anti-Executable as the duration on its own Maintenance Mode.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  2. Posted 2 years ago
