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How to update the push certificate in Faronics MDM for Apple iOS devices.

Note: To ensure that you are able to continue to manage devices that you have previously enrolled in the Deep Freeze MDM you will need to make sure that you renew your existing Apple Push Certificate. Replacing the existing push certificate with a new one will result in you having to manually re-enroll all the devices that you wish to manage.

To renew your Apple Push Certificate follow the steps below;

  1. Log in to the Deep Freeze Cloud and navigate to the MDM settings section of the site by clicking on MDM, then on Settings on the left side of the screen.
  2. Make sure that the icon for Apple iOS devices is selected.
  3. Click on the header “Push Certificate” to display the current push certificate, including the Apple ID and Expiry Date.
  4. Click on the Renew button on the right-hand side of the screen.
  5.  In the information shown after clicking on Renew select the link to download the certificate request.
  6. Open the Apple Push Certificate Portal by clicking on the link in the MDM platform or by visiting and logging into the portal.
  7. In the Apple Push Certificate portal identify the certificate that you need to renew by date, or by clicking on the information icon and comparing the Serial Number shown against the one in the Deep Freeze Cloud.
  8. Click on the button to renew the appropriate certificate.
  9. On the next page update your notes and click on “Choose File” to select the request that you downloaded in step 5.
  10. Click on Upload.
  11. Once complete you will see a confirmation screen, click on Download to retrieve the updated PEM File for the Deep Freeze Cloud.
  12. Return to the Deep Freeze Cloud and click on “Choose File” to select the file that you downloaded in step 11.

  13. Click on Upload to upload the updated certificate to the cloud.

You have now updated your push certificate on Deep Freeze MDM.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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