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Updating server tokens in Faronics MDM for Apple School Manager, or Apple Business Manager


This document will provide the steps required to update the binding between the Deep Freeze MDM and Apple Business / Apple School Manager.

Token Update Process

  1. Log in to the Deep Freeze Cloud and navigate to the DEP settings by clicking on MDM → Settings → DEP.
  2. Click on Update Token
  3. Log into the Apple Business Manager / Apple Schools Manager account by going to either or
  4. Click on Settings at the bottom of the Apple Business / School Manager page and find your MDM Server in the list of servers and select it.
  5. Click on Download Token on the appropriate server, this will download a server token on your client system.
  6. Return to the Deep Freeze Cloud, on the DEP screen, click on Choose File and select the file that you downloaded in step 5.
  7. Click on Upload.

Once saved the screen will show the updated date on the server token.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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