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Support for macOS 13 - Ventura

Faronics has released updated builds of Deep Freeze Cloud, Faronics Deploy, and our Deep Freeze Mac products to provide support for macOS Ventura. 

The current version of Faronics Insight already supports macOS Ventura.

Customers can access the updated builds of the products through Faronics Labs / Faronics Customer Center for the on-premise products and the cloud-based products can be downloaded from their respective portals.


With the release of macOS Ventura (13), Faronics is currently testing our products for compatibility with the final release of macOS Ventura and will be releasing updated builds of our products as required to be able to formally support the updated version of macOS.

At this time we recommend that customers using our products hold off on the upgrade until we have confirmed compatibility and released updated builds of our products as required. 

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